Dazzle Ltd. is founded in 2015. We are an incu-app graduates in Science Park. We have funded more than 1 M HKD for the development. 4 people in our teams worked for 2 years, the dream is making revolution in website development industry. To be the first Hong Kong local website builder, aim on local support, local design and local design community. Dazzle, can deploy any website , no matter raw html, php/ asp/ jsp etc., to become CMS-able. (i.e. an user-friendly backend for content editing and data management.), in WYSIWYG way. By only few click, user can update their content, images, background, menu, data etc. very very easily, and launch to the Internet without any clumsy tech. issues. we can bring a custom design into a website with Dazzle in no more 5 mins and FREE. Hundreds of design template that we have generated already, by only few days. As well as local designer himself, they can design and share their website more easily. The design NOT ONLY a product FOR INDIVIDUAL, they can be sales and SHARE FOR ALL through our platform. Not only web design, but also photos, which is highly demanding in website design.