Meet Global Tea Time @2022 Meet Taipei

You can get into Y Combinator!

11.19 Sat. 09:30 ~ 12:30

舞台| 明日舞台 Tomorrow Stage

Meet Global Tea Time致力於連結台灣新創與國際創投、資源,提供創業家尋找創業、投資夥伴的機會,將台灣團隊推上國際舞台。這次茶會邀請到曾入選世界頂級加速器Y Combinator的台灣團隊,分享申請YC的秘訣,和在YC的所見所聞。講者包含筆記工具新創Heptabase共同創辦人詹雨安、區塊鏈新創Chainsight共同創辦人何建幟、Arc.dev創辦人劉威廷等。

Meet Global Tea Time dedicates to connecting Taiwanese startups with international expats, business leaders and investors. This time, we invite startups which were selected in the top accelerator, Y Combinator, to share their experiences and insights. The speakers include the co-founder of Heptabase, co-founder of Chainsight, and so on.


*本活動為免費報名,報名參加即可享有Meet Taipei 三日免費觀展資格。


